Detailed Record for Clitarchus hookeri
Common Name: Stick insect
Taxonomy: Phylum Arthropoda / Sub Phylum Hexapoda / Class Insecta / Sub Class Pterygota / Order Phasmatodea / Family Phasmatidae / Genus Clitarchus
C-value (pg): 2.58
Method: Flow Cytometry
Cell Type: Legs
Standard Species: Locusta migratoria = 5.50pg
Wu, C., V. G. Twort, R. N. Crowhurst, R. D. Newcomb, and T. R. Buckley. 2017 (2017). Assembling large genomes: analysis of the stick insect (Clitarchus hookeri) genome reveals a high repeat content and sex-biased genes associated with reproduction. BMC Genomics 18: 884.
NCBI Taxonomy Browser
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