Detailed Record for Bembidion lividulum
Common Name: Ground beetle
Taxonomy: Phylum Arthropoda / Sub Phylum Hexapoda / Class Insecta / Sub Class Pterygota / Infra Class Neoptera / Super Order Holometabola / Order Coleoptera / Sub Order Adephaga / Family Carabidae / Genus Bembidion
C-value (pg): 0.85
Method: Flow Cytometry
Cell Type: Brain
Standard Species: Drosophila virilis = 0.34pg
Pflug, J.M., V.R. Holmes, C. Burrus, J.S. Johnston, and D.R. Maddison (2020). Measuring Genome Sizes Using Read-Depth, k-mers, and Flow Cytometry: Methodological Comparisons in Beetles (Coleoptera). G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 10: 3047-3060.
NCBI Taxonomy Browser
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