Detailed Record for Bemisia tabaci
Common Name: Silverleaf whitefly
Taxonomy: Phylum Arthropoda / Sub Phylum Hexapoda / Class Insecta / Sub Class Pterygota / Infra Class Neoptera / Order Hemiptera / Family Aleyrodidae / Genus Bemisia
C-value (pg): 0.71
Method: Flow Cytometry
Cell Type: Whole body
Standard Species: Gallus domesticus = 1.25pg
Chen, W., D.K. Hasegawa, K. Arumuganathan, A.M. Simmons, W.M. Wintermantel, Z. Fei, and K.-S. Ling (2015). Estimation of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci genome size based on k-mer and flow cytometric analyses. Insects 6: 704-715.
Other records available for this species:
Bemisia tabaci = 0.68 (pg)Bemisia tabaci = 1.04 (pg)
NCBI Taxonomy Browser
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